- Rotary attachment
- Device name: ECOLINE series
- Laser wavelength: 1064 nm
- Laser technology: Q SWITCH, MOPA fiber laser - (Ytterbium - Fiber laser)
- Available laser power: 20W, 30W
- Laser pulse frequency: CW, 20kHz - 600kHz * depending on the version
- Maximum laser pulse energy: up to 1mJ * depending on the version
- Working field: from 70mm x 70mm to 220mm x 220mm (depending on the lens application)
- Cooling: Air (built-in)
Economical, fully professional laser marking machine integrated with a class 1 protection housing. Completely developed and produced in our company.
The device is equipped with a system that allows for marking objects larger than the size of the housing. You should then activate the service mode using the key switch (the device then works in class IV - wearing protective glasses is required!).
As standard, the enclosure class 1 includes:
- work field lighting (standard or eco mode)
- flexible diffuser for exhaust gas extraction
- connector for connecting the rotary attachment
- a vision lens equipped with a filter that protects the operator's eyes from the effects of laser radiation
- light door opening system
- advanced interlock safety system with double contacts
- safety controller based on the FPGA matrix
- possibility of connecting a remote control (standard and automatic marking mode)
- Przystawka obrotowa
- Pilot sterujący
- Przystawka obrotowa do znakowania na elementach okrągłych
- Elektryczna oś Z wyposażona w enkoder absolutny
- Pozycjonowanie wizyjne
- Automatyczne sterowanie wysokością focusa
- Podajniki w/g potrzeb klienta
- Rotary attachment
- Nazwa urządzenia: Obudowa ochronna klasy I - wersja standard
- Długość fali lasera: W zależności od konfiguracji
- Kompatybilny z: Fiber Laser Start, Fiber laser MOPA, Fiber Laser 3D
- Device name: ECOLINE series
- Laser wavelength: 1064 nm
- Laser technology: Q SWITCH, MOPA fiber laser - (Ytterbium - Fiber laser)
- Available laser power: 20W, 30W
- Laser pulse frequency: CW, 20kHz - 600kHz * depending on the version
- Maximum laser pulse energy: up to 1mJ * depending on the version
- Working field: from 70mm x 70mm to 220mm x 220mm (depending on the lens application)
- Cooling: Air (built-in)
Economical, fully professional laser marking machine integrated with a laser enclosure class 1. Completely developed and produced in our company.
The device is equipped with a system that allows for marking objects larger than the size of the housing. You should then activate the service mode using the key switch (the device then works in class IV - wearing protective glasses is required!).
As standard, the enclosure class 1 includes:
- lighting of the work area
- flexible diffuser for exhaust gas extraction
- connector for connecting the rotary attachment
- a vision lens equipped with a filter that protects the operator's eyes from the effects of laser radiation
- light door opening system
- advanced interlock safety system with double contacts
- safety controller based on the FPGA matrix
DK Lasertechnik sp. z o. o.
ul. Siwka 25
31-588 Cracow