Posługujemy się wyłącznie profesjonalnym oprogramowaniem - każdy z naszych projektów wyposażony jest w kompletną dokumentację techniczną, a szkolenie z zakresu obsługi maszyn prowadzą nasi przeszkoleni pracownicy.
Wykonujemy projekty z dziedziny:- mechaniki (konstrukcje mechaniczne, dobór napędów, symulacja pracy w programie 3D),- elektroniki i automatyki (mikroprocesorowe układy sterowania napędem, układy czujników i sensorów, dobór zasilania),- techniki laserowej (projektowanie kompletnej optyki laserowej w oparciu o różną technologię lasera, strojenie gotowych urządzeń).
Posiadamy także własny zaawansowany sprzęt pomiarowy do badań zakłuceń oraz EMC.
Firma DK Lasertechnik stawia przede wszystkim na rozwój i solidność. Nasze urządzenia są na bieżąco unowoczesniane, co zapewnia im konkurencyjność na rynku krajowym jak również zagranicznym..
Jeżeli potrzebują Państwo nietypowe urządzenie laserowe, zapraszamy do kontaktu z naszą firmą za pomocą telefonu lub maila (podane w zakładce kontakt) lub do odwiedzenia naszej siedziby w Krakowie. Nasi pracownicy udzielą Państwu fachowej porady.
We use only professional software - each of our projects is equipped with complete technical documentation, and training in the field of machine operation is conducted by our trained employees.
We carry out projects in the field of: - mechanics (mechanical constructions, selection of drives, simulation of work in a 3D program), - electronics and automation (microprocessor drive control systems, sensor and sensor systems, power selection), - laser technology (design of complete laser optics based on with various laser technology, tuning of finished devices).
We also have our own advanced measuring equipment for shock and EMC tests.
The DK Lasertechnik company focuses primarily on development and reliability. Our devices are constantly modernized, which makes them competitive on the domestic as well as foreign market.
If you need an unusual laser device, please contact our company by phone or email (provided in the contact tab) or visit our headquarters in Krakow. Our employees will provide you with professional advice.
In addition to selling devices and components for our machines, we also provide service (also post-warranty). It is run by our specialized trained employees.
Our company also provides service for laser devices from other manufacturers from Europe, the USA, China and the Far East.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or phone number provided in the Contact section
Among our many projects, including for the industry, we can boast of our own Lasertechnik Pro plotter, which has been introduced for sale, which has much better parameters compared to competing devices. We have also made a number of innovations in other devices, incl. laser markers, laser plotters, thermal plotters.
DK Lasertechnik is not only a manufacturer of top-class laser devices, proven on the Polish and European market, but also a company that provides specialized services.
DK Lasertechnik specialists also deal with servicing, repairs and modernization of laser devices produced by companies not related to our company. We also provide advanced design services. In addition, the qualified staff of DK Lasertechnik offers professional training in the use of various types of laser devices.
In addition to selling devices and components for our machines, we also provide service (also post-warranty). It is run by our specialized trained employees.
Our company also provides service for laser devices from other manufacturers from Europe, the USA, China and the Far East.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or phone number provided in the Contact section
Among our many projects, including for the industry, we can boast of our own Lasertechnik Pro plotter, which has been introduced for sale, which has much better parameters compared to competing devices. We have also made a number of innovations in other devices, incl. laser markers, laser plotters, thermal plotters.
We use only professional software - each of our projects is equipped with complete technical documentation, and training in the field of machine operation is conducted by our trained employees.
We carry out projects in the field of: - mechanics (mechanical constructions, selection of drives, simulation of work in a 3D program), - electronics and automation (microprocessor drive control systems, sensor and sensor systems, power selection), - laser technology (design of complete laser optics based on with various laser technology, tuning of finished devices).
We also have our own advanced measuring equipment for shock and EMC tests.
The DK Lasertechnik company focuses primarily on development and reliability. Our devices are constantly modernized, which makes them competitive on the domestic as well as foreign market.
If you need an unusual laser device, please contact our company by phone or email (provided in the contact tab) or visit our headquarters in Krakow. Our employees will provide you with professional advice.
DK Lasertechnik is not only a manufacturer of top-class laser devices, proven on the Polish and European market, but also a company that provides specialized services.
DK Lasertechnik specialists also deal with servicing, repairs and modernization of laser devices produced by companies not related to our company. We also provide advanced design services. In addition, the qualified staff of DK Lasertechnik offers professional training in the use of various types of laser devices.
DK Lasertechnik sp. z o. o.
ul. Siwka 25
31-588 Cracow